Thursday, December 12, 2013

Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and Holiday Season Greetings to ALL

Throughout the year let us remember ALL those who gave their life so that today we can celebrate ALL the various holidays, thanks to a system of open and participatory democracy.

The best to everyone, your families, friends and associates along with many, many, many, many exciting, active and healthy years ahead for EVERYONE!

May your individual beliefs be with you throughout the year!

Warmest regards,

Peter Clarke 

Sunday, December 8, 2013

All considered, raising the minimum wage is a poor policy!

Over the past decade stats along with common sense and logic confirm and have indicated that raising the cost of labour (increasing the minimum wage) reduces employment and employment opportunities.

Further, a minimum wage increase of 10% has proven to lead to an overall 5% to 6% employment reduction in employment opportunities for our teens and youth according to the U of T professor and respected economist Morley Gunderson.

Raising the minimum wage by 15%, 20% or 25% will not increase 
employment for anyone and would do them a great disservice. It further would contribute to the deterioration in the quality of our labour force.

Also, higher labour costs ultimately show up in higher prices. All considered, raising the minimum wage is a poor policy.

”Should a policy be enacted that gives 10 people an extra $40 a week, but whacks the 11th girl or guy? Shouldn't the terrible disruption to the lives of those who are fired be more of a concern to us than the extra money for those who are not? Is it right to redistribute from the worse-off poor to the better-off poor?”

There are more effective ways to help the poor that do not destroy employment opportunities. Such as an earned income tax credit that gets money to the working poor or a tax subsidy for firms that hire low-wage workers.

Both are without the disincentives that accompany all increased minimum wage politically expedient policies put forth by politicians as endorsed by their respective political parties and supported by their lobbyists and union contributors.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Religious Expressions confined to Houses of Worship, Not the Service Counters or Halls of Governments.

Governments that are formed by religious doctrine and use the power of government to support a religious belief undermines democracy and a free society.

Religion or religious cultures must not be used as the essential device for holding a democratic society together.

In an open, transparent and honest democracy there must always remain a separation between religion and government.

Religious neutrality by government demands that the halls, offices and institutions of the government are not used as the places for religious expression by any individual employee’s religious or atheist’s beliefs.

Diversity within a democracy cannot be defended by the male’s individual’s political-religious cultural traditions that coerce, female children, young girls and women to be self stigmatized and isolated within Canadian communities by demanding that they wear a religious symbol such as the niqab and burka!

For over 1400 years Muslim women have been explicitly prohibited by their religion from covering their faces and identity if they wished to pray in the Ka’aba, holiest house of God and the Muslim’s grand mosque!

As such in Quebec and throughout Canada, with all our customs, traditions and respect for women and children, our governments must not now be obliged to accept those who are committed to wearing a niqab or burka in government offices or institutions.

Quebec’s and Canada’s freedom of religion must recognize, rely on and uphold the truth and reject the false and wrongs of an interpretation of the Muslim religion that continues to be used to impose the worst king of no freedoms and stigmatization of women and children.     

The government of Quebec is showing leadership with the introduction of a values charter for government workers.

That at least attempts once and for all to take the veil off the lies Islamists use as propaganda in promoting their political-religious ideology.  

The wearing of a niqab or burka is coerced barbaric cultural traditions that have NO connection to Islam or the Quran and further limits the fundamental rights of women and children.

By banning the wearing of a niqab or burka by government employees the Quebec government is effectively telling Muslims specifically and others generally to practice one’s religion at home or in a place of worship and adopt one of Quebec's and Canadian values for the respect of women and children. 

For over 1400 years Muslim women have had to remove such cultural veils if they wished to pray. It is past time that the niqab and burka be permanently banned in all Canadian and Provincial government offices and institutions.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Multiculturalism a Failure in Quebec and Canada?

The liberal party’s cherished progressive socialist new world order ideologies for a communal society based on shared values of divergent cultures jammed into Canada’s national boundaries have caused endless cultural conflicts as opposed to harmony. And is a failure throughout Canada, Quebec and the European community of nations!

Unfortunately, many immigrants coming to Canada for the past twenty-five years have done so for our social benefits i.e. a free hospital, healthcare and handouts by politicians using taxpayer funds as opposed to their own.

Under these socialists and progressives, ideologies, and doctrines for state multiculturalism it has become quite obvious and apparent that various cultures have been encouraged to reside and live separate lives apart from the Canadian mainstream and even apart from one another’s cultures.

It seems a lot of immigrants or would-be refugees come to our country, with baggage for a clash of civilizations that fosters extremism and homegrown terrorists. And thus, they are not completely willing to accept our way of life, laws, and culture. They prefer to live and reside separately in their enclaves of various communities based on religious doctrines of conflict carried in their e baggage from a clash of civilizations that have fostered extremism and homegrown terrorists in their former countries.

And for far too long now as a nation we have tolerated such segregated religious and cultural communities behaving in ways that run completely counter to the values our nation was founded on and citizens fought two world wars to uphold.

I strongly believe that while it is important to respect some cultural differences, Canada and Quebec, Canada must be one national community and not just a coexistence of various different cultural communities within a nation that forces other cultures on Canadian citizens. Try that in Africa, Asia, or the Middle Eastern countries and see how that works!

Canada is a nation founded with Judeo-Christian values upon the principles that recognize the supremacy of God and the rule of law.

Our immigration policy should be that if you come to Canada or Quebec then you must accept to melt into our single Canadian community. If one wishes not to accept that notion, then you cannot be welcome in either Quebec or Canada, in my humble opinion.

Canadians must not tolerate extremism or racism carried out by people be they white, black, brown, pink, yellow or a rainbow of colours. Further, we must not allow teachings of views through laws that allow for the protection of one's colour, race or religious rights to supersede the rights of others' freedom of expression or views or that one's gender beliefs or colour etc. are more important or superior to those of others.

This should be the cornerstone of Canada's and Quebec's immigration thinking and policy.


Saturday, August 31, 2013

Syria Represents the Unknown of Known or the Known of Unknown

If Sarin gas was used by either the government forces or the army deserters and rebels there is also evidence as reported by the UK news, Independent that the Government let British company export nerve gas chemicals to Syria! ...

Obama's Nobel Peace Prize, a 'call to action', appears to have been based solely on the USA version for a 
new world order of might is right?

Syria a sovereign country has been in a civil war going on nearly three years and for anyone to assume that it is only the leader of the Syrian government and its forces that continues to solely have access to chemical weapons in such a war-torn country is asinine or blind to the realities of war.

Any fool can start a fight but it takes a statesman to negotiate a peaceful solution to a conflict.

Syria is NOT a threat to the people of the USA nor is it a national security issue. 

Without a declaration of war by the United States senate and congress an attack against Syria by the USA ordered by the President of the USA would not be legal by its' own constitution, its own laws or those of the world court.

This so-called Syrian opposition is made up of armed forces deserters, Syrian exile members of the de facto groups like the SNC (Syrian national council), FSA(free Syrian army) and non-Syrian fanatic extremists for a free Palestine along with the Muslim brotherhood for Sharia law and all are doing battle against the Assad regime and the Syrian people.

A fraudulent unelected group of individuals, mainly from foreign countries, who call themselves the Syrian National Council claiming to be the opposition forces for the protection of the unarmed citizens of Syria and its resources. 

Under a 
banner of the SNC or FSA these opposition forces, for the protection of the unarmed citizens of Syria and its resources as they previously stated, have been and continue to kill innocent woman, children, youth and the elderly all of whom are Syrian people?

They continuing bombings in Damascus and throughout Syria, that have the finger
print tactics used by al- Qaeda, fundamentalist Sunni Muslim terrorist groups and others from throughout the region in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Egypt and Jordan, by these heavily armed opposition forces comprised of rebels, insurgents, army deserters and terrorists can attest to the Syrian government’s claim that Syria is fighting Islamist militants steered from abroad!

How can Canada, the USA and other western powers support such radical extremists and fanatical religious non elected but self anointed individuals and armed forces deserters and terrorists who call themselves the opposition and then
proceed to intentionally detonate 10 kilos of highly flammable explosives in the centre of Damascus next to a primary school, shops and a mosque?

I cannot understand how a fraudulent unelected group of individuals, mainly from foreign countries, under a banner of the SNC or FSA the opposition forces who call themselves the Syrian National Council and claim to be the opposition forces for the protection of the unarmed citizens of Syria and its resources themselves continue to kill innocent woman, children, youth and the elderly all fellow Syrians?

These groups claim they do not have chemical weapons and it's only the government forces! 

If one believes that then one believes in the tooth fairy.

They call the government of Syria uncivilized yet it was the government of the USA that used napalm and Agent Orange in Vietnam and used depleted uranium and white phosphorus in Fallujah, Iraq and not to be outdone, Britain firebombed Dresden and other German cities in WW2 and the USA dropped nuclear bombs twice on Japan!

You be the judge on this proposed illegal limited and narrow bombing by the USA on yet another sovereign country by the President of the USA in assisting the so-called Arab Spring uprisings!


Russia asks Turkey for info on sarin terrorists
America's President Says He Is Prepared to Order Military Action, but Wants Support First From Lawmakers
           Syrian rebels jail and torture American photographer! They are no better than the regime of Syrian President Bashar Assad and more barbaric in my opinion.


Monday, July 29, 2013

Toronto a Sanctuary for Violent Youth and Huggers of Law Breakers?

Wait a minute here. First off, this young man contrary to what his friends have said obviously had not at all adjusted well to living in Canada or the Canadian way of life.

What he did was unacceptable. He broke the laws of the country he came to reside in when he first exposed himself on public transit, then provoked a situation, put innocent transit riders at risk and in harms way by brandishing a knife demanding that they get off the streetcar in the middle of the night.

In my humble opinion, such actions are not those of a person who is flourishing in Canada

Many questions have to be answered starting with the reason why he left his job and for what reasons, why he moved out of his fathers residence and who had he been with just prior to his illegal actions of hijacking a public transit vehicle?

Also was this TTC streetcar driver the same person who Mr. Yatim junior previous had a confrontation and attitude problem with?

A scrawny 110 ten pounds of sweet, very loving kind-hearted and well-adjusted guy in civil society does not go around exposing himself, brandishing knife or gun and hijacking public transit vehicles and demanding everyone get off and then further start taunting and calling police officers f... ing pussies

Are these the actions of a law-abiding well adjusted teenager with respect for the rights of others and authority as learned or was taught by his youthful friends and family?

Now after the fact,  why are some of these previous passengers claiming, after the fact that they were in no immediate danger or threatened by this drug high knife provoking passenger?

As they now claim no perception of threat, so why then did they not group together and disarm this skinny kid as opposed to fleeing the streetcar and leaving it to the police who did not run yet perceived a threat of self-defence and thus demanded that he drop the weapon and not move towards them or he would be shot?

As tragic as it was this young man was obviously high on marijuana or other illegal drugs and decided to end his life with the assistance of the officers, in my humble opinion.

The bottom line in any confrontation with police is NOT to refuse an order to drop any weapon that one is obviously holding be it a knife, bat, scissors or gun.

Unless one wishes to commit suicide!


Friday, July 19, 2013

A Subway Funding and Congestion Solution.

City streets represent the most utilized and fastest commuter transportation mode and account for 75% of Toronto's daily commuters by people, cars, trucks and vans.

Tearing up these streets to put streetcar tracks or LRTs, with or without right-of-ways, and reduce the available road width usage for these daily commuters and commerce purposes are NOT visionary or leadership.

Toronto's previous mayor Miller should have upgraded the City's and TTC's outdated signalling systems and traffic signals before borrowing close to a Billion dollars for new streetcars and subway vehicles in my humble opinion. 

LRT cost forecasting, as witnessed with the ST. Clair line (call it a streetcar or LRT) and the Eglinton LRT already $400 Million over budget and not even a third of the way completed, are continually underestimated in costs while overestimating the demand. 

Reports by non elected technocrats and bureaucrats are slanted in order to produce unrealistic cost figures that favour and constitutes technical justification for political-public works programs rather than real economic or technical criteria. 

Streetcars or LRT's are in NO way the solution to any cities transit requirements across Canada that have populations of over 2.6 million residents. If one wishes to see how engineers, planners and bureaucrats have screwed up a pedestrian, cyclists, autos, vans and commerce transit within a city go to Zurich, a city of less than 400,000 that is congested with inner city streetcars, LRTS or whatever one wishes to label them.

What Toronto urgently requires is funding from the province and the federal government for construction of a Scarborough subway today not tomorrow, replacing and upgrading the TTC signalling system coupled with the upgrading of all existing four-way traffic signals throughout the city, now, and within 3 to 5 years start construction on the DRL and then 2 years later finish the Sheppard subway connection to Scarborough and Spadina.

Now for the funding to accomplish all this is rather easy if the politicians had the political courage and the best interest of citizens in mind and not their respective unelected political parties.

A transit and infrastructure levy of 2% should immediately be required from all corporations operating and doing business in any province of Canada that has annual gross revenues in excess of $500 million dollars. This would be their mandatory investment for doing business within Canada

This levy would be designated solely for communities that already have an existing subway operation. Like it or not there is just no way Individual taxpayers and property taxes can continue to absorb and bear the brunt for transit and infrastructure costs in Toronto or any Canadian city.

Corporations, banks, unions and organizations like individual taxpayers all have an obligation when it comes to funding costs for transit and infrastructure within our cities.  

Its either a 2% tax levy now or a minimum 10% tax in the very near future for corporations with annual gross revenues that exceed half a billion dollars in my opinion. 


Up Dates:

Nobody knows what it will really cost for subways, streetcars or LRT’s

The United StatesCanada and other leading world economies that want multinational corporations to pay more taxes.


Tuesday, July 2, 2013

The Candidates Pledge that Ontario Voters Require.

A pledge voters need to see from candidates in these by-elections and ALL elections: 

1. That he/she shall fulfil the entire term of office voters elect them for. 

2. Independent candidates who put the interests of voters ahead of party politics. 

3. Independent candidates with the fortitude to tackle controversial issues through a human connection with the voters' support.  

4. A voice for the people NOT a puppet vote for a political party. 

5. The candidates passionate that work, education and integrity in seeking our votes to represent us in elected public service must ensure their commitment as a candidate for TRANSPARENCY, FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY and ACCOUNTABILITY. 

No longer can we afford the luxury of complacency by allowing unelected individuals to occupy the chairs of decision making.

Our right to vote is another democratic obligation people within civil society have and has been taken for granted for far too long.

It should be a mandatory requirement, like jury duty, compulsory schooling, driver’s licenses and paying taxes.


Peter Clarke


Monday, June 24, 2013

Ontario’s Green Energy Plan 1,369 megawatts for $6 Billion

$1 Billion cost from Ontario taxpayers’ revenues over and above a $5 Billion Samsung investment producing 1,369 megawatts of green power down from 2,500 megawatts. At the consumer and taxpayer buyback energy cost of $6 Billion over 20 years and 900 green energy jobs protected only until 2016.
Recap, that now works out costing Ontario taxpayers $6.7 Million for every ONE new green energy job from the 900 jobs protected only unit 2016 created from this downsized Samsung investment of $5 Billion.
At a taxpayer cost of $6 Billion for 1,369 megawatts of green power down from 2,500 megawatts from $1 Billion tax revenue dollars to secure the Samsung reduced the investment of $5 Billion from its' (Samsung's) original $7 Billion investment with the liberal political party government for an energy program as now propped up by unionized labour’s political party wing and movement the NDP!
$6.7 Million is the cost to taxpayers for every ONE job created by this Liberal-NDP unelected coalition type of legislature through their acceptance of the downsized amended Samsung energy investment agreement as originally reported by Antonella Artartuse, Queens Park Bureau Chief for Sun Media Corporation.        
For Ontarians, this is simply yet one more scandal and continuing waste of taxpayer’s money thanks to the Ontario liberal political party's government that continues to be propped up by unionized labour movement and its political wing the NDP party!

Liberal party premier Kathleen Wynne and former liberal Premier McGuinty’s political energy deal with Samsung was going to create 16,000 new green energy jobs at taxpayer energy buyback cost of $9.7 Billion for an original investment of $7 Billion by Samsung!

Resulting in a $2.7 Billion taxpayer cost in securing a $7 Billion Samsung energy investment in Ontario for a possible 16,000 green energy jobs.

However, as of today this $2.7 Billion, taxpayer-funded investment cost has resulted in only 641 jobs. (401 jobs at CS wind, 200 jobs at Siemens and 30 jobs SMA Solar as reported by Antonella Artuso, with thanks)

Now, Samsung’s reduced investment shall be $5 Billion for those originally proposed 900 green jobs with the taxpayers being on the hook for a reduced energy buyback cost of $6 Billion?

A $6 Billion taxpayer-funded cost to secure a $5 Billion Samsung energy investment and 900 green energy jobs that are protected only until 2016? With the politically estimated possibility of some 9,000 temporary construction jobs reduced from the original estimate of 16,000!  

That works out now costing the taxpayers $6.7 Million for every ONE new green energy job from the 900 to be created by this downsized Samsung investment of $5 Billion at a taxpayer energy buyback cost of $6 Billion. With these 900 new green energy jobs to be protected only unit 2016

That is the jest of the liberal-NDP coalition energy plan that the liberals brag is “a good deal for ratepayers” and their NDP collation political partners defend as “obtaining significant gains for the public”?

You as informed taxpayers, voters and possible voters must decide!

Let’s recap so that we all readily understand just what this Ontario liberal-NDP coalition political party government movement has decided!

Now 900 green energy jobs shall cost $6 Billion to taxpayers in energy buyback costs over the next twenty years for a downsized Samsung investment of $5 Billion as a green energy investment in Ontario with the possibility of perhaps 9,000 temporary green energy jobs!

Thus instead of the political possibility of 16,000 green energy jobs at a taxpayer cost of $9.7 Billion (green energy buybacks) the liberal-NDP coalition political party government has decided that the original 900 green energy jobs shall now cost $6 Billion (energy buyback costs) over the next twenty years from Samsung for Samsung's $5 Billion downsized investment in Ontario for the political temporary green jobs estimated to now possibly only 9,000 down from the original 16,000?

In other words $6.7 Million taxpayers’ fork out for every ONE green energy job out of the total 900 jobs!  

This Ontario liberal-NDP coalition political party government movement continues to lack accountability, transparency, and ethics along with any moral right to continue governing.
Considering all current and past scandals and mismanagement coupled with the current lack of meaningful legislative oversight, in my opinion. 

Further this latest factual news item was NOT front page news for the Toronto Star but rather in the business section.

Unfortunately the Toronto Star and other media outlets, in my opinion, shamelessly are continuing with their attempt to conjured up stories related solely too an unverified phantom video based on rumors, hearsay and non judicial opinions about Mayor Ford or his brother as a Cortina de Humo.

As their editorial board continues to front page what if scenarios about Toronto’s Mayor Rob Ford in their endless attempts to divert attention away from the scandalous mismanagement that continues to go unabated at Queens Park with rumors, gossip and hearsay stories about Mayor Ford as relentlessly conjured up by anonymous sources! 

At least the Mayor of Toronto and his administration have attempted to hold the line on expenses at city hall and eliminate the $60 car tax and have not squandered $ 3 to $ 4 Billion dollars of taxpayer funds while increasing provincial spending by another $3.7 Billion through a $1.9 Billion one year increase in Ontario taxpayers debt in addition to their $24 Billion increase in total taxpayer debt that now has brought Ontario’s total debt (taxpayers) to $281 Billion!

Hopefully voters now realize the obvious that it is not the Mayor of Toronto who needs to resign or take a leave of absence but rather the leader of the Ontario liberal party and her NDP political cohort for continuing to waste BILLIONS of dollars annually collected from taxpayers for unsustainable and unaffordable programs based on the ideologies of collective liberalized socialism.

The media’s continued attempts at hoodwinking the voters through using Mayor Ford as a Cortina de Humo in my opinion shall fail.

Up Date:
Former News Releases Ministry of Energy
New Ontario Government Strengthens Energy Planning
Communities Will Be Engaged in Regional Energy Plans


Saturday, June 22, 2013

Every ONE Green Energy Job Created by Ontario Liberal-NDP Coalition Costs $6.7 MILLION?

$6.7 Million is the cost for every ONE job created under the Ontario government’s Liberal-NDP coalition political party government through their acceptance of the downsized amended Samsung investment in the liberal party’s green energy program as originally reported by Antonella Artartuso, Queens Park Bureau Chief for the Sun Media Corporation.

Yet another scandal and continuing waste of taxpayer’s money thanks to the Ontario Liberal party’s government as it continues to be propped up by the Ontario big labour and unionized workers party the NDP party!

Liberal party premier Kathleen Wynne and former liberal Premier McGuinty’s political energy deal with Samsung was going to create 16,000 new green energy jobs at taxpayer energy buyback cost of $9.7 Billion for an original investment of $7 Billion by Samsung!

Resulting in a $2.7 Billion taxpayer cost in securing a $7 Billion Samsung energy investment in Ontario for a possible 16,000 green energy jobs!

However, as of today, this taxpayer-funded investment cost of $2.7 Billion has resulted in only 641 jobs. (401 jobs at CS wind, 200 jobs at Siemens and 30 jobs SMA Solar as reported by Antonella Artuso, with thanks)

Now, Samsung’s reduced investment shall be $5 Billion for those originally proposed 900 green jobs with the taxpayers being on the hook for a reduced energy buyback cost of $6 Billion?

A $6 Billion taxpayer-funded cost to secure a $5 Billion Samsung energy investment and 900 green energy jobs that are protected only until 2016? With the politically estimated possibility of some 9,000 temporary construction jobs reduced from the original estimate of 16,000!  

That works out now costing the taxpayers $6.7 Million for every ONE new green energy job from the 900 to be created by this downsized Samsung investment of $5 Billion at a taxpayer energy buyback cost of $6 Billion. With these 900 new green energy jobs to be protected only unit 2016

That is the jest of the liberal-NDP coalition energy plan that the liberals brag is “a good deal for ratepayers” and their NDP collation political partners defend as “obtaining significant gains for the public”?

You as informed taxpayers, voters and possible voters must decide!

That works out now costing the taxpayers $6.7 Million for every ONE new green energy job from the 900 to be created by this downsized Samsung investment of $5 Billion at a taxpayer energy buyback cost of $6 Billion. With these 900 new green energy jobs to be protected only unit 2016

Let’s recap so that we all readily understand that this Ontario liberal-NDP coalition political party government has decided now that 900 green energy jobs shall cost $6 Billion to taxpayers in energy buyback costs over the next twenty years for a downsized Samsung investment of $5 Billion as a green energy investment in Ontario with the possibility of perhaps 9,000 temporary green energy jobs!

Thus instead of the political possibility of 16,000 green energy jobs at a taxpayer cost of $9.7 Billion (green energy buybacks) the liberal-NDP coalition political party government has decided that the original 900 green energy jobs shall now cost $6 Billion (energy buyback costs) over the next twenty years from Samsung for Samsung's $5 Billion downsized investment in Ontario for the political temporary green jobs estimated to now possibly only 9,000 down from the original 16,000?

In other words $6.7 Million taxpayers’ fork out for every ONE green energy job out of the total 900 jobs!  

This Ontario liberal-NDP coalition political party government lacks accountability, transparency, ethics along with any moral right to continue governing considering all current and past scandals and mismanagement coupled with the current lack of meaningful legislative oversight, in my opinion. 

Further, this latest factual news item was NOT front-page news for the Toronto Star but rather in the business section.

Unfortunately the Toronto Star and other media outlets, in my opinion, shamelessly are continuing with their attempt to conjured up stories related solely to an unverified phantom video based on rumours, hearsay and non judicial opinions about Mayor Ford or his brother as a Cortina de Humo.

As their editorial board continues to front page what if scenarios about Toronto’s Mayor Rob Ford in their endless attempts to divert attention away from the scandalous mismanagement that continues to go unabated at Queens Park by going with rumours, gossip and hearsay stories about Mayor Ford as conjured up by anonymous sources! 

At least the Mayor of Toronto and his administration have attempted to hold the line on expenses at city hall and eliminate the $60 car tax and have not squandered $ 3 to $ 4 Billion dollars of taxpayer funds while increasing provincial spending by another $3.7 Billion through a $1.9 Billion one year increase in Ontario taxpayers debt in addition to their $24 Billion increase in total taxpayer debt that now has brought Ontario’s total debt (taxpayers) to $281 Billion!

Hopefully voters now realize the obvious that it is not the Mayor of Toronto who needs to resign or take a leave of absence but rather the leader of the Ontario Liberal party and her NDP political cohort for continuing to waste BILLIONS of dollars annually collected from taxpayers for unsustainable and unaffordable programs based on the ideologies of collective liberalized socialism.

This attempted hoodwinking of voters through using Mayor Ford as a Cortina de Humo at the expense of all taxpayers, in my opinion, shall fail.