Expanding Horizons, Embrace Diversity of Opinions, Life’s Realities, Politics and Stories
Thursday, December 12, 2013
Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and Holiday Season Greetings to ALL
Sunday, December 8, 2013
All considered, raising the minimum wage is a poor policy!
Over the past decade stats along with common sense and logic confirm and have indicated that raising the cost of labour (increasing the minimum wage) reduces employment and employment opportunities.
Further, a minimum wage increase of 10% has proven to lead to an overall 5% to 6% employment reduction in employment opportunities for our teens and youth according to the U of T professor and respected economist Morley Gunderson.
Raising the minimum wage by 15%, 20% or 25% will not increase
Also, higher labour costs ultimately show up in higher prices. All considered, raising the minimum wage is a poor policy.
”Should a policy be enacted that gives 10 people an extra $40 a week, but whacks the 11th girl or guy? Shouldn't the terrible disruption to the lives of those who are fired be more of a concern to us than the extra money for those who are not? Is it right to redistribute from the worse-off poor to the better-off poor?”
There are more effective ways to help the poor that do not destroy employment opportunities. Such as an earned income tax credit that gets money to the working poor or a tax subsidy for firms that hire low-wage workers.
Sunday, September 22, 2013
Religious Expressions confined to Houses of Worship, Not the Service Counters or Halls of Governments.
Religion or religious cultures must not be used as the essential device for holding a democratic society together.
Saturday, September 7, 2013
Multiculturalism a Failure in Quebec and Canada?
The Liberal Party’s cherished socialist progressive socialist ideologies for a communal society—built on shared values of divergent cultures crammed within Canada’s national boundaries—have caused endless cultural conflicts rather than harmony. This vision has proven to be a failure throughout Canada, Quebec, and even in the European community of nations.
Unfortunately, many immigrants who have come to Canada over the past 40 years have done so to benefit from social programs—such as free healthcare and taxpayer-funded handouts—rather than to contribute meaningfully to society. Politicians who have used taxpayer funds to bolster their agendas have exacerbated this issue.
Under progressive doctrines of state multiculturalism, it has become glaringly obvious that various cultures are encouraged to live separately—apart from the Canadian mainstream and even from each other. This segregation fosters isolation rather than integration, ultimately leading to cultural clashes, extremism, and even the growth of homegrown terrorism.
Many immigrants arrive with cultural and religious baggage that perpetuates the clash of civilizations from their home countries. These ideologies and practices often run counter to Canadian laws and values. By residing in isolated enclaves, they avoid embracing Canada’s way of life, laws, and cultural fabric. This has been tolerated far too long, despite contradicting the values Canadians fought to preserve in two world wars.
While respecting cultural differences is important, Canada and Quebec must function as one national community—not merely as a coexistence of segregated cultural groups. Forcing Canadian citizens to adapt to external cultural practices or laws undermines our identity. Try such policies in Africa, Asia, or the Middle East and see how they are received!
Canada was founded on Judeo-Christian values, recognizing the supremacy of God and the rule of law. Immigration policies must ensure that newcomers accept and embrace the principles of unity and integration. Those unwilling to integrate should not be welcome in Canada or Quebec.
Moreover, Canadians must not tolerate extremism or racism from anyone, regardless of colour, creed, or background. Equality must be the cornerstone of our society—ensuring no individual’s rights are valued over another’s, whether those rights pertain to race, religion, gender, or ideology.
Prioritizing Underprivileged Canadians First
Before addressing the needs of newcomers, Canada must prioritize its own underprivileged citizens. Neglecting the most vulnerable Canadians risks creating resentment among them, as they may perceive immigrants as receiving preferential treatment while they remain in poverty.
- Address Poverty: Robust social programs should uplift struggling Canadian citizens through affordable housing, accessible healthcare, and job training.
- Equitable Resource Allocation: Transparent allocation of resources ensures citizens feel their needs are prioritized without favouritism toward immigrants.
- Employment Prioritization: Policies that prioritize Canadian-born workers for jobs will help stabilize economic disparities.
By addressing these issues, we can ensure underprivileged Canadians feel valued and supported before expanding resources to integrate newcomers.
A Balanced Approach to Immigration
Canada must adopt immigration policies that balance respect for cultural heritage with integration into Canadian society:
- Language Proficiency: Free or subsidized English and French classes must be mandatory for newcomers to break language barriers.
- Civic Education: Programs to teach Canadian laws, rights, and responsibilities will encourage respect for our nation’s values.
- Integration Over Isolation: Housing policies that disperse immigrants across communities can prevent ethnic enclaves, fostering inclusivity.
- Skills-Based Immigration: Focusing on immigrants who bring economic value ensures newcomers contribute to society while reducing strain on resources.
Moving Forward with Unity
If Canada fails to prioritize its citizens while fostering meaningful integration, we risk deepening cultural divides. A strong immigration policy that emphasizes unity, mutual respect, and shared Canadian values is not just an ideal—it is a necessity.
Canada must remain a place of opportunity and freedom, but these values can only thrive when we ensure that all Canadians, new and old, share a commitment to the national community. Let us honour the sacrifices made for this country by fostering a united and equitable society for all.
Saturday, August 31, 2013
Syria Represents the Unknown of Known or the Known of Unknown
www.independent.co.uk/n ...
Obama's Nobel Peace Prize, a 'call to action', appears to have been based solely on the
Syria a sovereign country has been in a civil war going on nearly three years and for anyone to assume that it is only the leader of the Syrian government and its forces that continues to solely have access to chemical weapons in such a war-torn country is asinine or blind to the realities of war.
Any fool can start a fight but it takes a statesman to negotiate a peaceful solution to a conflict.
Without a declaration of war by the United States senate and congress an attack against Syria by the USA ordered by the President of the USA would not be legal by its' own constitution, its own laws or those of the world court.
This so-called Syrian opposition is made up of armed forces deserters, Syrian exile members of the de facto groups like the SNC (Syrian national council), FSA(free Syrian army) and non-Syrian fanatic extremists for a free Palestine along with the Muslim brotherhood for Sharia law and all are doing battle against the Assad regime and the Syrian people.
A fraudulent unelected group of individuals, mainly from foreign countries, who call themselves the Syrian National Council claiming to be the opposition forces for the protection of the unarmed citizens of Syria and its resources.
Under a banner of the SNC or FSA these opposition forces, for the protection of the unarmed citizens of
They continuing bombings in Damascus and throughout Syria, that have the fingerprint tactics used by al- Qaeda, fundamentalist Sunni Muslim terrorist groups and others from throughout the region in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Egypt and Jordan, by these heavily armed opposition forces comprised of rebels, insurgents, army deserters and terrorists can attest to the Syrian government’s claim that Syria is fighting Islamist militants steered from abroad!
How can Canada, the USA and other western powers support such radical extremists and fanatical religious non elected but self anointed individuals and armed forces deserters and terrorists who call themselves the opposition and then proceed to intentionally detonate 10 kilos of highly flammable explosives in the centre of Damascus next to a primary school, shops and a mosque?
I cannot understand how a fraudulent unelected group of individuals, mainly from foreign countries, under a banner of the SNC or FSA the opposition forces who call themselves the Syrian National Council and claim to be the opposition forces for the protection of the unarmed citizens of Syria and its resources themselves continue to kill innocent woman, children, youth and the elderly all fellow Syrians?
These groups claim they do not have chemical weapons and it's only the government forces!
If one believes that then one believes in the tooth fairy.
They call the government of
You be the judge on this proposed illegal limited and narrow bombing by the
Russia asks Turkey for info on sarin terrorists
Syrian rebels jail and torture American photographer! They are no better than the regime of Syrian President Bashar Assad and more barbaric in my opinion.
Monday, July 29, 2013
Toronto a Sanctuary for Violent Youth and Huggers of Law Breakers?
Now after the fact, why are some of these previous passengers claiming, after the fact that they were in no immediate danger or threatened by this drug high knife provoking passenger?
Friday, July 19, 2013
A Subway Funding and Congestion Solution.
City streets represent the most utilized and fastest commuter transportation mode and account for 75% of

LRT cost forecasting, as witnessed with the ST. Clair line (call it a streetcar or LRT) and the Eglinton LRT already $400 Million over budget and not even a third of the way completed, are continually underestimated in costs while overestimating the demand.
Streetcars or LRT's are in NO way the solution to any cities transit requirements across
What Toronto urgently requires is funding from the province and the federal government for construction of a Scarborough subway today not tomorrow, replacing and upgrading the TTC signalling system coupled with the upgrading of all existing four-way traffic signals throughout the city, now, and within 3 to 5 years start construction on the DRL and then 2 years later finish the Sheppard subway connection to Scarborough and Spadina.
Now for the funding to accomplish all this is rather easy if the politicians had the political courage and the best interest of citizens in mind and not their respective unelected political parties.
A transit and infrastructure levy of 2% should immediately be required from all corporations operating and doing business in any
Nobody knows what it will really cost for subways, streetcars or LRT’s
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
The Candidates Pledge that Ontario Voters Require.
1. That he/she shall fulfil the entire term of office voters elect them for.
Monday, June 24, 2013
Ontario’s Green Energy Plan 1,369 megawatts for $6 Billion
Former News
Releases Ministry of Energy
New Ontario Government Strengthens Energy
Communities Will Be
Engaged in Regional Energy Plans
Saturday, June 22, 2013
Every ONE Green Energy Job Created by Ontario Liberal-NDP Coalition Costs $6.7 MILLION?

Former News Releases Ministry of Energy
New Ontario Government Strengthens Energy Planning
Communities Will Be Engaged in Regional Energy Plans
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