Thursday, November 25, 2010

Do We Canadians Have a Right to Know How Much Time Our Civil Servants Spend on Social Media Sites While Working on Our Dime and Supposedly for Us?


Studies show us that the cost of illegal use of Internet access by employees from corporations or governments based on 1,000 employees is $36 MILLION or more annually in lost productivity for one hour of such daily illegal web surfing by civil servants or other employees.

Statistics relating to employee computer and Internet abuse are alarming and should be of great concern not only to corporations but also to our elected representatives of the government.

How do our elected representatives who are supposedly in charge of looking after our tax dollars, in a prudent manner, continue to allow such unnecessary costs and abuse by civil servants unabated and without termination procedures in place.

Such flagrant disregard for taxpayers’ money is itself a breach of trust by our politicians.

Please take the time to read more about such facts @ for future reference.

Our government has spent millions of our tax dollars arguing that taxpayers have no right to know how much time civil servants spend on social media sites, sports and entertainment websites or trying to access websites that show porn or promote “Racism and Hate” or “Drugs.”

The Toronto Stars' recent article @ confirms such a waste and abuse of our tax dollars and the fact that our government continues to hide such information from us, the ones paying the bills.

When it involves public service work habits, public funds, transparency and openness must prevail.

The refusal to make public the Internet habits of our civil servants is a shady one at best.

Elected representatives, with such nonsensical, irresponsible and undemocratic approaches, deserve to be kicked out of office as such actions are not consistent with open and honest public service or a government that works for the people.

Let’s hear from you the ones having to foot the bill for such abuse by our civil servants.

More fact sources @

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Toronto Island Airport Gets Environmental Approval for Tunnel Link

Now that we have learned that a pedestrian tunnel would have no significant environmental impact and the fact that the TPA requires an easement from the City to build any such tunnel, Mayor Rob Ford must set a precondition that the outstanding tax arrears of $33,096,000 owing to the taxpayers of Toronto by the TPA shall be paid up in full before any further discussion with the city concerning the island airport expansion or consideration of an easement from the city for such a tunnel.

Until this precondition, that all TPA tax arrears are fully paid up, is met the enforcement of existing constraints on expansion must of course remain in effect.

Also the Canada Marine Act Regulation 2005-690 states, “the Toronto Port Authority shall not use, or permit any other person to use, the port to build a bridge or similar fixed link between the mainland of the City of Toronto and the Toronto Islands”.

One would hope that the waterfront community and the Island airport could hopefully reach a compromise position on any proposed expansion of the airport facilities which would be for the benefit of all Torontonians in the not-too-distant future.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Voting, like Jury Duty, Should be Compulsory Civic Duty to Enhance Democracy, Participation and Political Awareness?