Monday, December 28, 2020

Regional Isolation Treatment Centres solely for infectious viruses, flues, and unknown diseases.


Throughout Ontario, we the people, immediately require and demand, 4 new 1,000 bed Regional Isolation Treatment Centres solely for infectious viruses, flues, and unknown diseases. One treatment centre in each of the following Ontario areas: North, East, West and Central. Ontario.

These new RITC would be build using Ontario’s surplus facilities or constructed on surplus lands when the existing building would cost more in renovations.

As we must have these four facilities to treat and isolate only those actual people infected by any of these or new transmittable viruses, flues and unknow disease from the rest of society.

These are the ones who must be lock downed and isolated as opposed to locking down entire communities which destroy the economy, small businesses, and the lives of the majority of non-infected residents.

We must treat those affected and not lockdown and set curfews or restrictions by governments picking and choosing what businesses are essential when in fact all businesses are essential to the survival of our communities and an open and free democratic society.

To do this there must be a new Health Measures Act that incorporates our business community together with the provincial and federal governments in funding, construction and managing these four Regional Isolation Treatment Centres.

Further these four sites would have no on-premises food or laundry facilities as all such services would be provided by outsourcing, which would further reduce operating costs. The staffing of these facilities would be incorporated as a new short-term 6-month requirement into existing requirements for being certified as a Doctor, Nurse, Nurses Aid, Firefighter, EMO etc and all other health care workers.

To help with the funding and ongoing costs a 3% import fee on all goods and services that are directly or indirectly shipped or produced by China and or its affiliate the Communist Party of China as a penalty for their deliberate malfeasance, dereliction of public duty and breach of trust. Alternatively, Canada should not repay the billions in dollars that China holds on our debt obligations including the no payment of interest to them as a further penalty for their deliberate breach of trust.

Finally, in my humble opinion, the only one who should be paying, to every single country that has had to or continues to treat its residents or visitors, for the costs of these covid19 treatments etc. and world lockdowns and isolation and economic costs are the communist Chinese government and its communist political party to every single country that has to treat its residents or visitors in my humble opinion.

There should a worldwide class action filed against the Chinese government and its communist political party for costs by all countries of the world on behalf of its citizens for the Chinese government and its communist political party malfeasance and dereliction of duty and breach of trust.

Peter Clarke

Friday, December 25, 2020

The USA Democratic Party Social Constructionism and Deconstructionism

What has become openly and clearly obvious today is that the US Democratic Political Party, along with its propaganda arm of mainstream media and social media, controlled by the four most undemocratic yet powerful tech companies, namely, Facebook, Google, Apple, and Amazon, want nothing less than total control over the freedom of speech and movement of US residents among other things.

Further, they want to ensure and control that residents of the US have to read what the state allows, see what the state allows and listen to what the state allows. And those who attempt to listen, read etc. anything else is ridiculed, harassed, intimidated, and punished by the state.   

Keep in mind that these tech oligopolies are monopolies and are NOT ACCOUNTABLE to the public or voters and lack meaningful regulations.

And thus, has allowed these tech companies and this industry to create corrosive and restrictive environments concerning free and open speech and diverse opinions throughout American and indeed the globe. They continue unabated to manipulate and exploit the general public and voters so that the Democratic Party and their Tech industry’s can secure and maintain absolute power for the Democratic Party and of course secure increased market share for their products; profit-making and market dominance along with political power dominance.

Today throughout the USA, in my humble opinion, the Democratic Political Party want to ensure that residents of the USA area all increasingly reliant on the government for so many aspects of their lives, whether it’s the news, education, work, food and health information etc.

It has become know as identify politics, cancel culture, Black live matter etc. Education is strictly controlled by the state and its teacher’s union and its leaders. What and how subjects are taught is laid down by the government based on the backing and demands of these unions. Further books have become strictly censored as those distorting and rewriting history are today widely used in schools.

On university and college campuses students are expected to join Liberal, socialist organizations and shunned by academy administration and these liberal socialist student bodies when they seek out or start conservative groups or contrary opinions of thought etc. 

Our students are taught by socialist liberal professors how to be a good socialist/communist to understand that religion is the opium of the masses by Karl Marx and churches are now being physically shut down and church leaders and goers are arrested under the guise of the Chinese Covid19 virus.

In summation the state under a Democratic Political Party and its member friends in Hollywood already control the cinema and now with their propaganda machine of Big Tech companies effectively control almost every aspect of your lives and the votes you cast as well as the political party you must listen too.

This must end if we are to be a free democracy, with free expression of thoughts and free speech uncensored by government and these four tech companies.

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Medical Facts Relating to Covid19 Virus Survival Rate WITHOUT a VACCINE


Medical FACT today SURVIVAL RATE of the Chinese COVID-19 worldwide is 97.5% PATIENT SURVIVAL RATE. Total cases 65.5 Million cases of the virus and 63,890,000 people, worldwide cases of the virus have NOT DIED from it. Worldwide deaths today are 1,510,000 to date have died from this virus and that represents a worldwide SURVIVAL RATE without any vaccine of 97.5% as of today.


In the USA the SURVIVAL RATE from COVID19 virus today stands at 98% as in the USA there are reported to be 13,728,154 Million cases of the Chinese COVID-19 with 270,691 deaths supposedly directly from the virus, yet without any vaccine on the market, today in the USA 13,457,463 Million Americans were reported to have the virus have NOT DIED but SURVIVED or RECOVERED as of today, representing a 98% SURVIVAL RATE.


Friday, November 13, 2020


Every American Citizen and Legal Resident Should Read this Joe Biden Supported Heros Act Introduced by the Democratic Party #IMHOPEOPLE. 

This is 3 TRILLION DOLLARS of BORROWED MONEY that you shall be required to pay for overtime along with your family members and then their family members etc for the next 50 years or more.

Here are but a few of these proposed expenditures base 100% on borrowed money of 3 Trillion dollars NOT INCLUDING THE INTEREST PAYMENTS:

For an additional amount for ‘‘Child Nutrition Programs’’, $3,000,000,000 to remain available until September 30, 2021, to prevent, prepare for, and respond to coronavirus, domestically or internationally:

For an additional amount for ‘‘Office of Inspector General’’, $2,500,000, to remain available until September 30, 2021, to prevent, prepare for, and respond to coronavirus, domestically or internationally:

For an additional amount for the ‘‘Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children’’, $1,100,000,000, to remain available through September 30, 2022:

For an additional amount for ‘‘Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program’’, $10,000,000,000, to remain available until September 30, 2021

For an additional amount for ‘‘Commodity Assistance Program’’, $150,000,000, to remain available through September 30, 2021, for the emergency food assistance program

For an additional amount for the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, $1,822,000, to remain available until September 30, 2021, for nutrition assistance to prevent, prepare for, and respond to coronavirus:

For an additional amount for the program established under U.S.C. 5936, to prevent, prepare for, and respond to coronavirus, $20,000,000, to remain available until September 30, 2021:

For an additional amount for ‘‘Current Surveys and Programs’’, $10,000,000: Provided, That such sums may be transferred to the Bureau of the Census Working Capital Fund for necessary expenses incurred as a result of the coronavirus, including for payment of salaries and leave to Bureau of the Census staff resulting from the suspension of data collection for reimbursable surveys conducted for other Federal agencies:

For an additional amount for ‘‘Periodic Censuses and Programs’’, $400,000,000, to remain available until September 30, 2022, to prevent, prepare for, and respond to coronavirus: Provided,

For an additional amount for ‘‘Assistance to Fishery Participants’’, $100,000,000, to remain available until September 30, 2021, for necessary expenses to provide assistance to Tribal, subsistence, commercial, and charter fishery participants affected by the novel coronavirus (COVID–19), which may include direct relief payments:

For an additional amount for ‘‘Office of Inspector General’’, $1,000,000, to remain available until expended to prevent, prepare for, and respond to coronavirus, including the impact of coronavirus on the work of the Department of Commerce and to carry out investigations and audits related to the funding made available for the Department of Commerce in this Act and in title II of division B of Public Law 116–136:

For an additional amount for ‘‘Salaries and Expenses’’, $200,000,000, to remain available until September 30, 2021, to prevent, prepare for, and respond to coronavirus, including the impact of coronavirus on the work of the Department of Justice, to include funding for medical testing and services, personal protective equipment, hygiene supplies and services, and sanitation services:

For an additional amount for ‘‘Office of Inspector General’’, $3,000,000, to remain available until expended to prevent, prepare for, and respond to coronavirus, including the impact of coronavirus on the work of the Department of Justice and to carry out investigations and audits related to the funding made available for the Department of Justice in this Act:

For an additional amount for ‘‘Violence Against Women Prevention and Prosecution Programs’’, $100,000,000, to remain available until expended, of which (1) $30,000,000 is for grants to combat violence against women, as authorized by part T of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Acts of 1968; (2) $15,000,000 is for transitional housing assistance grants for victims of domestic violence, dating violence, stalking, or sexual assault, as authorized by section 40299 of the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994 (Public Law 103–322; ‘‘1994 Act’’); (3) $15,000,000 is for sexual assault victims assistance, as authorized by section 41601 of the 1994 Act;  (4) $10,000,000 is for rural domestic violence and child abuse enforcement assistance grants, as authorized by section 40295 of the 1994 Act; (5) $10,000,000 is for legal assistance for victims, as authorized by section 1201 of the Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act of 2000 (Public Law 106–386; ‘‘2000 Act’’); (6) $4,000,000 is for grants to assist tribal governments in exercising special domestic violence criminal jurisdiction, as authorized by section 904 of the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013; and  (7) $16,000,000 is for grants to support families in the justice system, as authorized by section 1301 of the 2000 Act:

For an additional amount for ‘‘State and Local Law Enforcement Assistance’’, $300,000,000, to remain available until expended, for the same purposes and subject to the same conditions as the appropriations for the fiscal year 2020 under this heading in title II of division B of Public Law 116–136, including for the purchase of personal protective equipment, and for costs related to preventing and controlling coronavirus at correctional institutions:

For an additional amount for ‘‘State and Local Law Enforcement Assistance’’, $250,000,000, to remain available until expended, for offender re-entry programs and research, as authorized by the Second Chance Act of 2007 Public Law 110–199) and by the Second Chance Reauthorization Act of 2018 (Public Law 115–391), without regard to the time limitations specified at section 6(1) of such Act, to prevent, prepare for, and respond to coronavirus:

For an additional amount for ‘‘State and Local Law Enforcement Assistance’’, $600,000,000, to remain available until expended, for grants, contracts, cooperative agreements, and other assistance as authorized by the Pandemic Justice Response Act (‘‘the Act’’): Provided, That $500,000,000 is to establish and implement policies and procedures to prevent, detect, and stop the presence and spread of COVID–19 among arrestees, detainees, inmates, correctional facility staff, and visitors to the facilities; and for pretrial citation and release grants, as authorized by the Act: Provided further, That $25,000,000 is for Rapid COVID–19 Testing, as authorized by the Act: Provided further, That $75,000,000 is for grants for Juvenile Specific Services, as authorized by the Act:

For an additional amount for ‘‘Community Oriented Policing Services’’, $300,000,000, to remain available until expended, for grants under section 1701 of title I of the 1968 Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act (34 U.S.C. 10381) for hiring and rehiring of additional career law enforcement officers under part Q of such title, notwithstanding subsection (i) of such section, and including for the purchase of personal protective equipment:

For an additional amount for ‘‘Research and Related Activities’’, $125,000,000, to remain available until September 30, 2022, to prevent, prepare for, and respond to  coronavirus, including to fund research grants, of which $1,000,000 shall be for a study on the spread of COVID– 19 related disinformation: Provided further, That, within the amount appropriated under this heading in this Act, up to 2 percent of funds may be transferred to the ‘‘Agency Operations and Award Management’’ account for management, administration, and oversight of funds provided under this heading in this Act: Provided further, That such amount is designated by the Congress as being for an emergency requirement pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985.

For an additional amount for ‘‘Payment to the Legal Services Corporation’’, $50,000,000, for the same purposes and subject to the same conditions as the appropriations for the fiscal year 2020 under this heading in title II of division B of Public Law 116–136:

For an additional amount for ‘‘Salaries and Expenses’’, $35,000,000, to remain available until expended, to conduct monitoring and oversight of the receipt, disbursement, and use of funds made available under the ‘‘Coronavirus State Fiscal Relief Fund’’ and the ‘‘Coronavirus Local Fiscal Relief Fund’’ (collectively, ‘Fiscal Relief Funds’’):

For an additional amount for ‘‘Salaries and Expenses’’, $2,500,000, to remain available until expended, to prevent, prepare for, and respond to coronavirus, domestically or internationally:

For activities and assistance authorized in section 110202 of the ‘‘COVID–19 HERO Act’’ , $75,000,000,000, to remain available until expended:

For an additional amount for ‘‘Salaries and Expenses’’, $78,650,000, to remain available until September 30, 2021, to prevent, prepare for, and respond to coronavirus, domestically or internationally: 

For an additional amount for the ‘‘Community Development Financial Institutions Fund Program Account’’, $1,000,000,000, to remain available until September 30, 2021, to prevent, prepare for, and respond to coronavirus:

In addition to the amounts otherwise available to the Internal Revenue Service in fiscal year 2020, $520,000,000, to remain available until September 30, 2021, shall be available to prevent, prepare for, and respond to coronavirus, including for costs associated with the extended filing season:

For an additional amount for payments by the Election Assistance Commission to States for contingency planning, preparation, and resilience of elections for Federal office, $3,600,000,000, to remain available until September 30, 2021:

For an additional amount for ‘‘Salaries and Expenses’’, $24,000,000, to remain available until September 30, 2021, for implementing title VIII of the Communications Act of 1934 (47 U.S.C. 641 et seq.), as added by the Broadband DATA Act (Public Law 116–130):

For an additional amount for the ‘‘Emergency Connectivity Fund’’, $1,500,000,000, to remain available until September 30, 2021, to prevent, prepare for, and respond to coronavirus, domestically or internationally, through the provision of funding for Wi-fi hotspots, other equipment, connected devices, and advanced telecommunications and information services to schools and libraries as authorized in section 130201:

For an additional amount for the ‘‘Emergency Broadband Connectivity Fund’’, $4,000,000,000, to remain available until September 30, 2021, to prevent, prepare for, and respond to coronavirus, domestically or internationally, through the provision of an emergency benefit for broadband service as authorized in section 130301:

For an additional amount for the ‘‘Technology Modernization Fund’’, $1,000,000,000, to remain available until September 30, 2022, for technology-related modernization activities to prevent, prepare for, and respond to coronavirus, domestically or internationally:

For an additional amount for ‘‘Salaries and Expenses’’, $1,000,000, to remain available until expended to prevent, prepare for, and respond to coronavirus, domestically or internationally:

For an additional amount for ‘‘Emergency EIDL Grants’’ for the cost of emergency EIDL grants authorized by section 1110 of division A of the CARES Act (Public Law 116–136), $10,000,000,000, to remain avail- able until expended, to prevent, prepare for, and respond to coronavirus, domestically or internationally:

For an additional payment to the ‘‘Postal Service Fund’’, for revenue forgone due to coronavirus, $25,000,000,000, to remain available until September 30, 2022:

For an additional amount for ‘‘Salaries and Expenses’’, $15,000,000, to remain available until expended, to prevent, prepare for, and respond to coronavirus, domestically or internationally:

For an additional amount for ‘‘Operations and Support’’, $3,000,000, to remain available until September 30, 2022, for oversight of activities of the Department of Homeland Security, funded in this Act and in title VI of division B of Public Law 116–136 to prevent, prepare for, and respond to coronavirus:

For an additional amount for ‘‘Federal Assistance’’, $1,300,000,000, to remain available until September 30, 2021, to prevent, prepare for, and respond to coronavirus: 

For an additional amount for ‘‘Resource Management’’, $21,000,000, to remain available until expended for research; listing injurious species; electronic permitting system development; operation and maintenance; law enforcement interdiction and inspections; and other support activities, as described in sections 190402, 190403, and 190404 of division S of this Act:

For an additional amount for ‘‘State and Tribal Wildlife Grants’’, $50,000,000, to remain available until expended, for a onetime grant program to remain available until expended, as described in section 190405 of division S of this Act:

For an additional amount for ‘‘Surveys, Investigations, and Research’’, $40,000,000, to remain available until September 30, 2021, for technical assistance, biosurveillance of wildlife and environmental persistence studies and related research, database development, and  accompanying activities as described in section 190404 of division S of this Act:

For an additional amount for ‘‘Operation of Indian Programs’’, $900,000,000, to remain available until September 30, 2021, to prevent, prepare for, and respond to coronavirus:

For an additional amount for ‘‘Assistance to Territories’’, $1,000,000,000, to remain available until expended, to prevent, prepare for, and respond to coronavirus:

For an additional amount for ‘‘Salaries and Expenses’’, $5,000,000, to remain available until expended:

For an additional amount for ‘‘Primary Health Care’’, $7,600,000,000, to remain available until September 30, 2025, for necessary expenses to prevent, prepare for and respond to coronavirus, for grants and cooperative agreements under the Health Centers Program, as defined by section 330 of the Public Health Service Act, and for grants to Federally qualified health centers, as defined in section 1861(aa)(4)(B) of the Social Security Act, and for eligible entities under the Native Hawaiian Health Care Improvement Act, including maintenance or expansion of the health center and system capacity and staffing levels:

For an additional amount for ‘‘Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program’’, $10,000,000, to remain available until September 30, 2022, to prevent, prepare for, and respond to coronavirus:

For an additional amount for ‘‘CDC–Wide Activities and Program Support’’, $2,130,000,000, to remain available until September 30, 2024, to prevent, prepare for, and respond to coronavirus, domestically or internationally:

For an additional amount for ‘‘National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases’’, $500,000,000, to remain available until September 30, 2024, to prevent, prepare for, and respond to coronavirus:

For an additional amount for ‘‘National Institute of Mental Health’’, $200,000,000, to remain available until September 30, 2024, to prevent, prepare for, and respond to coronavirus:

For an additional amount for ‘‘Office of the Director’’, $4,021,000,000, to remain available until September 30, 2024, to prevent, prepare for, and respond to coronavirus, domestically or internationally:

For an additional amount for ‘‘Health Surveillance and Program Support’’, $3,000,000,000, to remain available until September 30, 2021, to prevent, prepare for, and respond to coronavirus:

For an additional amount for ‘‘Program Management’’, $150,000,000, to remain available through September 30, 2022, to prevent, prepare for, and respond to coronavirus, for State strike teams for resident and employee safety in skilled nursing facilities and nursing facilities, including activities to support clinical care, infection control, and staffing:

For an additional amount for ‘‘Low Income Home Energy Assistance’’, $1,500,000,000, to remain available until September 30, 2021, to prevent, prepare for, and respond to coronavirus, for making payments under subsection (b) of section 2602 of the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Act of 1981 (42 U.S.C. 8621 et seq.):

For an additional amount for ‘‘Payments to States for the Child Care and Development Block Grant’’,  $7,000,000,000, to remain available until September 30, 2021, to prevent, prepare for, and respond to coronavirus, including for Federal administrative expenses, which shall be used to supplement, not supplant State, Territory, and Tribal general revenue funds for child care assistance for low-income families within the United States (including territories) without regard to requirements in sections  658E(c)(3)(D)–(E) or section 658G of the Child Care and Development Block Grant Act:

For an additional amount for ‘‘Children and Families Services Programs’’, $1,590,000,000, to remain available until September 30, 2021, to prevent, prepare for, and respond to coronavirus:

For an additional amount for ‘‘Aging and Disability Services Programs’’, $100,000,000, to remain available until September 30, 2021, to prevent, prepare for, and respond to the coronavirus:

For an additional amount for ‘‘Public Health and Social Services Emergency Fund’’, $4,575,000,000, to remain available until September 30, 2024, to prevent, prepare for, and respond to coronavirus, domestically or internationally, including the development of necessary countermeasures and vaccines, prioritizing platform-based technologies with U.S.-based manufacturing capabilities, the purchase of vaccines, therapeutics, diagnostics, necessary medical supplies, as well as medical surge capacity, addressing blood supply chain, workforce modernization, telehealth access and infrastructure, initial advanced manufacturing, novel dispensing, enhancements to the U.S. Commissioned Corps, and other preparedness and response activities:

For an additional amount for ‘‘Public Health and Social Services Emergency Fund’’, $100,000,000,000, to remain available until expended, to prevent, prepare for, and respond to coronavirus, for necessary expenses to make payments under the Health Care Provider Relief Fund as described in section 30611 of division C of this Act:

For an additional amount for ‘‘Public Health and Social Services Emergency Fund’’, $75,000,000,000, to remain available until expended, to prevent, prepare for, and respond to coronavirus, for necessary expenses to carry out the COVID-19 National Testing and Contact Tracing Initiative, as described in subtitle D of division C of this Act:

For an additional amount for ‘‘State Fiscal Stabilization Fund’’, $90,000,000,000, to remain available until September 30, 2022, to prevent, prepare for, and respond to coronavirus:

For an additional amount for ‘‘Higher Education’’, $10,150,000,000, to remain available until September 30, 2021, to prevent, prepare for, and respond to coronavirus:

For an additional amount for ‘‘Institute of Museum and Library Services’’, $5,000,000, to remain available until September 30, 2021, to prevent, prepare for, and respond to coronavirus, including grants to States, territories, tribes, museums, and libraries, to expand digital network access, purchase internet accessible devices, provide technical support services, and for operational expenses:

For an additional amount for ‘‘Limitation on Administration’’, $4,500,000, to remain available until September 30, 2021, to prevent, prepare for, and respond to coronavirus, including the expeditious dispensation of rail road unemployment insurance benefits, and to support full-time equivalents and overtime hours as needed to administer the Railroad Unemployment Insurance Act:

For an additional amount for ‘‘Office of the Inspector General’’, $500,000, to remain available until expended, to prevent, prepare for, and respond to coronavirus, including salaries and expenses necessary for oversight, investigations and audits of the Railroad Retirement Board and railroad unemployment insurance benefits funded in this Act and Public Law 116–136:

For an additional amount for the ‘‘House of Representatives’’, $5,000,000, to remain available until September 30, 2021, for necessary expenses to prevent, prepare for, and respond to coronavirus:

For an additional amount for ‘‘Salaries and Expenses’’, $30,000,000, to remain available until expended, for audits and investigations relating to COVID–19 or similar pandemics, as well as any related stimulus funding to assist the Nation’s response to health and economic vulnerabilities to pandemics:

For an additional amount for ‘‘Office of Inspector General’’, $2,000,000, to remain available until September 30, 2022, for oversight of funds administered by the Department of State and made available to prevent, prepare for, and respond to coronavirus by this title and by prior acts:

For an additional amount for ‘‘Operations’’, $75,000,000, to remain available until September 30, 2022, to prevent, prepare for, and respond to coronavirus:

For an additional amount for ‘‘Highway Infrastructure Programs’’, $15,000,000,000, to remain available until expended:

For an additional amount for ‘‘Public Transportation Emergency Relief’’, $15,750,000,000, to remain available until expended, to prevent, prepare for, and respond to coronavirus: Provided, That of the amounts appropriated under this heading in this Act—(1) $11,750,000,000 shall be for grants to urbanized areas with populations over 3,000,000 and shall be allocated in the same ratio as funds were provided in the fiscal year 2020:

For an additional amount for ‘‘Tenant-Based Rental Assistance’’, $4,000,000,000, to remain available until expended, and to be used under the same authority and conditions as the additional appropriations for fiscal year

Read all the 1,815 pages of proposed expenditures @

Also, see:

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Time for Action in Washington Concerning Corrupt Voting Practices

 There is a problem concerning the elected officials of both political parties in America with how these long- and short-term career class of politicians hide corruption and enriched family and friends at the direct expense of those who elect them #imhopeople

It is obvious that their mindset is one “that this is just the way the world or the global economy works” which is itself corrupt thinking and thus denies allegiance to the voters that America is an exceptional nation.

"Voters throughout America must not tolerate public service as a front for family or political enrichment and elite will to power. It's Un-American and has direct and dire effects on policy-making and good governance."

Trump has pointed out to all voters that American urgently requires a Washington Corrupt Practices Act.

Which would strength US codes on giving or accepting  gifts, favours, or deals to politicians; their families; friends or associates etc in the hopes of getting favours in return-which is the very essence of bribery and would deal dramatically with the problems now encompassing the Biden’s, Obamas and many other current and past former career politicians.

Many politicians in Washington believe they are entitled to on the job enrichment for building family members' wealth at the expense of voters.

Unfortunately today and as in the past far too many career politicians in Washington and throughout the nation and indeed the world believe they are entitled to on the job enrichment and illegal entitlements for increasing the wealth of their family members and friends at the direct expense of voters and the nations they were elected to serve.

Time to wake up Americans to the facts that corruption abounds throughout the current political classes, academia, special interest groups and especially political parties in my humble opinion.

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Vote for Results NOT Personality

All I ask is that you just consider this:

When you think your President, Trump is an idiot,

HE IS NOT! He is a New Yorker. Some say that he is a jerk, arrogant and bombastic. 

When his feelings are intentionally hurt and like many people, he is a hothead. Then, in defending himself he hits back; Stronger! 

So, let me tell you what else he is; if you disagree with this, that is your privilege. 

And here is why. Trump is a guy who DEMANDS performance and more importantly, he demands RESULTS!!

Because in the private sector, one spends your entire life where you produce or get fired!

Trump's a guy who asks a lot of questions. And the questions he asks are not wrapped in fancy "political" phrases; are "Why the heck--------?” questions.

For decades, the healthcare industry has thrown away billions of face masks after one use. Then Trump asks, “Why are we throwing them out? Why not sterilize them and use them many times? “(Good question.)

Trump's the guy who sets up hospital ships in a week when a bureaucrat would have taken weeks or months or never to get it done.

He is the guy who gets temporary hospitals built in three days.

He is the guy who gets the auto industries to restructure to build fans in a business that is highly regulated by agencies that move lazily.

Trump's the guy who asks “Why don't we use drugs that might work on dying people? What the hell do we have to lose?” (Another good question).

He is the guy who restricted travel from China when Democrats liberal media and Joe Biden were yelling "xenophobia and racism."

Now, these socialist, liberal democrats and their leader Joe Biden want to know why he did not react earlier? What hypocrites they truly are!

When Trump closed the borders in the early days of the Coronavirus, Democrats screamed even LOUDER. Then the rest of the world, including the European Union, quickly restricted travel between its member countries.

Trump's the guy who campaigned to secure the border, protecting America, in the face of screaming Democrats and the liberal media.

And these SAME leaders of the Democratic Party (the Clintons, Chucky Schumer, Harry Reed, Barack Obama, Maxine Waters, Nancy Pelosi, and others ALL were in FAVOR of building the wall 'UNTIL' Trump had the strength to actually do it! 

Now they say: "Oh, he said Mexico was going to pay for it." Does that sound like you in any way?

Well, let me clear this up for you quickly. Have you compared the old EXTREMELY one-sided NAFTA deal (negotiated by none other than Jimmy 'Peanuts' Carter) to the NEW USMCA deal? Well yeah, and let me tell you this: Mexico will now end up paying a lot MORE for your assets than you will for theirs and why might that be you ask? 

Because they depend much more on the United States than you do on them. Yes, it will take time, but the bottom line is they will end up paying for the wall just like Trump said all along!

It is true that for Canadians, this new T-MEC is certainly not as beneficial as NAFTA was for both Canada and Mexico. Previously, Canadian farmers had a huge monopoly on their farmers, but "fair is fair."

Has Trump made mistakes? Of course. You cannot blame a person for being a human being. Only ONE perfect man walked this earth 2000 years ago, Jesus!

Everyone I know has made mistakes and continues to make and LEARN from them. Trump is and has accomplished more than any president of the United States in my life and I am 70-plus years old.

Trump is dedicated to doing the job for Americans between 18 and 20 hours a day. He is not hiding in his office. He is upfront, reporting to ALL Americans almost every day.

Yet, according to the Democrats and liberal media, when you offer hope, you are lying, and when you are direct, you should be hopeful. It is a no-win situation for him every day with haters and naysayers, but Trump's NOT deterred!

I will take THIS kind of leadership 6 days a week and TWICE Sunday over a "polite and refined" politician who has rarely or never had a real job in the private sector in his adult life, read prepared and "written by a speechwriter ”speeches from a teleprompter and ONLY answers pre-written questions selected for him/her before the open forum.

I am completely puzzled as to why this man (Trump) has been bombarded by the media and the liberal electorate EVERY day since he announced his candidacy for the US presidency in 2015.

And whether you want to believe it or not, Americans, let me tell you one more thing if you REALLY believe that Hillary would have accomplished even a fraction of the things for the betterment of the American public that POTUS Trump has, you've really got your head in the sand.

In my humble opinion (#IMHOPEOPLE) ALL Americans can only wish that President Trump for America's and their own personal sake, truly and honestly, better hope that Trump gets re-elected this November!




Ernie Meggisen CDN

Thank You!

“Real median household income—the amount earned by those in the very middle—hit $65,084 (in 2019 dollars) for the 12 months ending in July. That’s the highest level ever and a gain of $4,144, or 6.8% since Mr. Trump took office. By comparison, during 7½ years under President Obama—starting from the end of the recession in June 2009 through January 2017—the median household income rose by only about $1,000.”

Trump’s Presidential Administration Accomplishments So Far! The list Prior to the Chinese Covid-19 Release around the Globe by the Chinese Communist Party


Monday, October 5, 2020

More People Survive Corona-Virus than Cancer


Why has the media not been upfront, factual and honest with the American public and voters about the 97.18% SURVIVAL rate of Americans who beat the Chinese COVID 19 virus and the Worldwide SURVIVAL rate is 97.05%

And yet the survival rate in the USA for Childhood Leukemia Cancer is at 87.7% and the female Breast Cancer survival rate is 88.6% throughout the USA currently both of which are far worse than that of this Chinese Covid19 virus.

An estimated 9.5 million people died of cancer worldwide. That's about 26,000 people each day and 1 out of every 6 deaths. About 600,000 cancer deaths happen in the U.S. each year

It's time for America and the world to get its act together and get back to work and stop being afraid of fear and stop listening to the doom and gloom and disinformation being spun by the mainstream media #IMHOPEOPLE

Proof home-based treatment trumps the failed Fauci model

What are the lessons learned from scientific research?

Lesson 1: COVID-19 is not the death sentence we had at first thought. For healthy 74-year-olds who do not smoke tobacco, don’t drink alcohol and have no serious medical conditions such as heart disease, lung disease, diabetes, kidney disease, or morbid obesity, recovery rate is better than 95%.

Lesson 2: Early treatment at first sign of symptoms is critical. Thousands of front-line physicians in the U.S. and around the world have been saying this from the beginning. Early treatment is the principle that guides almost all medical practice – from heart disease to diabetes to cancer. In viral diseases, early treatment is critical. Patients need antiviral medicines, vitamins, minerals, known immune boosters, fresh air and sunshine.

Studies confirm early treatment for COVID-19. In more than 130 studies compiled at, the early-treatment studies using hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) showed a favorable effect of HCQ with other antivirals, with a median improvement of 64%. We accept 30-40 percent as a “success” with flu vaccine. Why wouldn’t 64% improvement with antiviral medicines be considered a huge success? Even the majority of late treatment studies in very sick hospitalized patients showed around 25% improvement with HCQ.

Lesson 3: Doctors have now learned what medicines work and when to use them. Many physicians across America – myself included – are using a combination approach to early treatment for COVID, keeping patients at home for treatment with family and loved ones around them helping to implement the physicians’ recommendations.

A peer-reviewed algorithm by lead author Baylor cardiologist Peter McCullough, M.D., and colleagues from major US and Italian medical centers shows the widely available, safe medicines targeted for each stage of COVID-19 illness. Doctors already use these generic medicines day in and day out for many conditions. They now show impressive success with COVID-19.

Dr. McCullough’s team of experts recommend cheap, safe, FDA-approved medicines – HCQ with azithromycin or doxycycline, possibly ivermectin or colchicine, inhaled budesonide or the more potent oral prednisone, anticoagulants, supplemental zinc, vitamin C and vitamin D, and home oxygen concentrators.

With the possible exception of mechanical ventilation, almost all the treatment modalities treatment used in hospitals can be implemented at home – faster, better tailored to the individual, at lower risk of other infections common in hospitals and at dramatically lower cost.

Lesson 4: LATE stage treatment of COVID carries a high risk of ICU admission, mechanical ventilation and death. The failed Fauci model –telling patients to go home, self-quarantine, do nothing and go to the ER if they get sicker – exacerbated by the FDA’s statements discouraging HCQ use, has caused the U.S. COVID death rate to be in the world’s top 10.

Lesson 5: Widespread use of home therapy could prevent thousands of deaths and hospitalizations. The pathophysiological rationale and protocol published in the prestigious American Journal of Medicine gives much needed hope for physicians and patients around the world. Dr. McCullough is not just theorizing. He is actually treating COVID patients who remain in their own homes.


Thursday, October 1, 2020

"Forward" was Obamas Fascist Socialist Adventure for America

Obama, as a former President and US Democratic Presidential Candidate plagiarized the slogan FORWARD from the Italian Socialist Party's newspaper's name Avanti, and interestingly enough became one of Barack Obama's campaign socialist slogans.

Obama, like Mussolini, who had actually been the chief editor of the Italian Socialist Party’s newspaper Avanti had always been a socialist. And like Mussolini Obama is among a group of dissident leftists who wanted to “make the world safe for socialism.”

Today, for American voters one of the first questions is " what are actual fascist beliefs?" and not whether fascism is left or right which is a distraction. 

As the dictator, Mussolini described fascism, “All within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state.” 

Does this sound more like American traditionalists, with their focus on small government, or the Democrats, who seek to unconstitutionally centralize and aggregate ever more power? Democrats or Republicans?

Mussolini also once said, “I declare that henceforth capital and labour shall have equal rights and duties as brothers in the fascist family.”

Is this reminiscent of American conservatives and their emphasis on economic freedom or the class warfare and regulatory tyranny of our left Democratic Party?

The sad reality is that neo-fascism is in fashion today, but not because of Trump. Rather, by growing government, (the swamp) empowering it to regulate most everything and allowing “crony capitalism,” we get ever closer to Mussolini’s ideal, “All within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state.” 

Read very carefully the Joe Bidens Democratic Party 2020 Platform and you have just that, “All within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state.”

Further Democrat icon Franklin Roosevelt’s 1933 book Looking Forward, stated, “Reminiscent of Fascism is the principle that the state no longer leaves the economy to its own devices… Without question, the mood accompanying this [New Deal] sea change resembles that of Fascism.”

The late leftist activist and politician Tom Hayden during a radio appearance on “The Chip Wood Show” years ago, Hayden was accused by a caller of being a “communist agitator.”

The host defended him, saying that Hayden had no problem with business remaining in private hands as long as the government guaranteed things were done “fairly.” Hayden agreed, providing several examples of how the state must ensure goods and services are distributed equitably.

Wood linked their conversation’s outcome in 2010. He told Hayden, “‘What you’ve described isn’t communism or socialism. …Isn’t the system you want—where ownership remains in private hands, but its use is controlled by the government—actually a form of fascism?’”

“There was a stunned silence as I continued, ‘In fact, Tom, isn’t it fair to say that the economic system you want to impose on us in the United States is actually classical fascism, as practiced in Hitler’s Germany and Mussolini’s Italy?’”

Hayden’s response? “Click.” He’d hung up the phone. And that’s what happens when you’re hung up on an ideology that may not be quite as “liberal” as you’d like to fancy.

Like today's Joe Biden who calls himself the Democratic Party by telling the President of the USA on a nationally televised debate to "shut up," to "keep yapping" and further called President Trump a "clown". 

That is Joe Biden's Socialist Democratic Party's answer for the country and their 2020 interpretation of Michelle Obama's political strategy of "When they go low, we go higher.
