Saturday, April 20, 2013

A 13 Year Late Bureaucratic Political Reaction that Does Not Address Cause, Fault or Mismanagement.

In my humble opinion as a mere mortal, the Ontario Ministry of Health and the public's elected health minister decided on and signed off on allowing Hospitals to first, outsource this pharmacy work and bulk purchasing without:

(a) Ensuring that any such companies had provincial or federal oversight and
(b) Were registered with Health Canada or would obtain the required necessary federal license?

Secondly, both the Ontario ministry of health and the Hospitals also approved and gave permission to go ahead with the practice of group purchasing of drugs through companies such as Medbury and others approved by Ontario’s Ministry of Health and Hospitals as group drug purchasers! 

Since 1998 all Canadian companies and establishments require a license to package, label, distribute, import, wholesale or test drugs among other restrictions.  What was the Ontario Hospitals role and the Ontario Health Minister’s role in ensuring or not, that Medbury and Marchese had such licenses as noted in the above paragraphs?

According to the Ontario Health Ministry and its Health Systems Accountability and Performance Division it exists to ensures that the strategies and programs that it has oversight for, deliver the intended results by providing expertise to inform the development of strategies and initiatives; guiding implementation of provincial strategies and initiatives; negotiating agreements that enable a sustainable health care system and contribute to achievement of provincial objectives; ensuring that partners and health service providers are held accountable for achieving the best outcomes through their use of funds, and are in compliance with legislation; evaluating outcomes to identify opportunities for future health system improvement, and leading performance improvement initiatives and activities. 

Boy that is a wonderful mouth-full with the attempted escape card of “that it has oversight for”! 

Now let’s see the mix instructions contracts that was drawn up by Medbury as arranged and thus supposedly approved by our Hospitals and the Ministry of Health in Ontario?

Far too many questions remain unanswered or asked and the public deserves an open transparent public debate and judicial hearings at a minimum. 

First people and corporations must all be held criminally responsible for those decisions that first allowed Marchese Hospital Solutions to manufacture chemo drug solutions without being licensed and an accredited pharmacy? 

Secondly when and who was involved in deciding that Hospitals could outsource such chemo pharmacy work without first seeking provincial and federal oversight? 

Thirdly when and by what authority and from whom were Ontario Hospitals given authority and go ahead with the practice for group purchasing of drugs through companies such as Medbury and others? 

Officials in government, Hospitals, elected and non elected representative of the public along with senior stakeholders of Marchese Hospital Solutions and Medbury a group seller of drugs to Hospitals all must be held accountable and if warranted be charged with culpable homicide through criminal negligence in my opinion as a mere mortal. 

As from the beginning of this scandal, it has been far too simple and convenient for all parties to play the blame game as suggesting that Hospitals somehow erred in administering the drug solution provided!  

What proof is there that this happened or was the drug solution diluted by either Medbury or Merchese in the packaging and distribution prior to the Hospitals receipt? 

Further, what are the contract preparation instructions for the solution that the supplier, Medbuy, followed or perhaps did not follow?   

What is the maximum value to their members by driving costs out of the healthcare system that Medbury follows as stated in their mission statement? 

What are Marchese and Medbuy's specific principles of contract participation and compliance with their product manufacturing and product suppliers? 

What are the secret details that remain kept behind closed doors by the Ministry, Hospitals, Medbury and Marchese?

All such information must be made public along with the roles that all parties played in this “colossal sloppiness” and health care blundering that resulted in the deaths of 137 Ontario residents and Canadian citizens.

The public and patients are deeply upset and demand answers from all parties including this liberal government in Ontario whose track record on health care and governing are disastrous. 
Thanks to Diana Zlomislic and Tim Alamenciak from the Toronto Star for their investigative reporting and hopefully they shall continue to probe much deeper into this scandal.
My deepest and sincere condolences go out to the 137 families and their communities who have been traumatized and suffered from these unnecessary preventable deaths.


Sunday, April 14, 2013

Negligence Causing Bodily Harm and Death Involved in Chemo Drug Scandal?

First I give my condolences to the 137 families and those communities who have been traumatized and suffered with these preventable deaths.

In my opinion and that of thousands of other Ontario and Canadian residents this should never have happened had government bureaucrats, technocrats, Hospitals and their overseers and elected political party representatives did their respective due diligence on behalf of citizens and patients. 
People must be held accountable and responsible for these actions and deaths. Strict guidelines, rules and regulations were not properly followed, adhered too, or not put in place by the hospital and health ministry officials as protocol clearly called for once any decisions were made to outsource pharmacy work and allow Hospital to group purchase drugs. 

Far too many questions remain unanswered or asked and the public deserves an open transparent public debate and judicial hearings at a minimum. People should be held criminally responsible for those decisions that first allowed Marchese Hos[ital Solutions to manufacture chemo drug solutions without being licensed and an accredited pharmacy? 

Secondly when and who was involved in deciding that Hospitals could outsource such chemo pharmacy work without first seeking provincial and federal oversight? 

In addition when and by what authority and from whom were Ontario Hospitals given authority and go ahead with the practice for group purchasing of drugs through companies such as Medbury? 

Officials in government, Hospitals, elected and non elected representative of the public along with senior stakeholders of Marchese Hospital Solutions and Medbury a group seller of drugs to Hospitals all must be held accountable and if warranted be charged with culpable homicide through criminal negligence in my opinion as a mere mortal. 

As it is far too simple and convenient for either Marchase or Medbury to play the blame game by suggesting that Hospitals somehow erred in administering the drug solution provided and not perhaps Medbury the group drug supplier or Marchese a non licensed drug manufacturer!  
For instance how and what proof is there that any hospital erred in administering the drug? Or was the drug possibly diluted prior to their receipt? 

Further, what are the contract preparation instructions for the solution that the supplier, Medbuy, followed or perhaps did not follow?   

What is the maximum value to their members by driving costs out of the healthcare system that Medbury follows as stated in their mission statement? 

What are Marchase and Medbuy's specific principles of contract participation and compliance with their product manufacturing and product suppliers? 

The public and patients are deeply upset and demand answers from all parties including this liberal government in Ontario whose track record on health care and governing is disastrous. 

Friday, April 12, 2013

Questions about the Chemo Drug Suppliers and Health Care Purchasing Organizations No One is asking! Why?

Could Medbuy and  Marchase be yet another E-Health or Orange type healthcare political crisis?

Contrary to what some hospital presidents or politicians have said it is time for both levels of government, provincial and federal to focus the investigation resources in immediately getting to the bottom of this error through open and transparent public debate.

The question is at what costs to public safety and product might these two organizations along with Ontario hospital administrators, directors and staff played in either the overfilled or diluting of the chemotherapy cocktails within saline bags sold to these Ontario Hospitals?  

Just how and what proof is there that the hospital's error in administering the drug? Or was the drug possibly diluted prior to their receipt? 

It is far too simple and convenient for either Marchase or Medbury, in my opinion, to play the blame game by suggesting hospitals somehow erred in administering the drugs but not Medbury the supplier or Marchase a non licensed drug manufacturer.   

What are the contract preparation instructions for the solution that the supplier, Medbuy, followed or perhaps did not follow?   

What is the maximum value to their members by driving costs out of the healthcare system that Medbury follows as stated in their mission statement? 

What are Marchase and Medbuy's specific principles of contract participation and compliance with their product manufacturing and product suppliers? 

The public and patients are deeply upset and demand answers from all parties including this liberal government in Ontario whose track record on healthcare and governing are disastrous. 

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Economics, Theories of Ideologies Based on political Philosophies

Economics and the forecasting of same are nothing more than theories based on political ideologies of the philosophies for capitalism versus communism/ socialism. 

As such the various theories of economics are put forth, endorsed or supported by political parties, unions and special interest groups to support their respective positions on society. 

Hence the fiscal mess the world economies and governments find themselves in today.



Cyprus-Style “Bail-Ins” Proposed In The New 2013 Canadian Government Budget!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Government Condoned Thievery for Revenue Sources?

What is transpiring in Cyprus is the inception for governments around the world to claim, albeit illegal, that they can tax your bank accounts and thus electronically drain a percentage of your savings, investment or business accounts to pay off government debt or bailout banks and other countries.

The EU, itself propped up by the IMF and other financial institutions, through its’ commission as urged on by the IMF, World Bank came up with this proposal to tax all citizen, resident and corporate savings accounts in Cyprus.

The speaker of the Cypriot parliament correctly and honestly labelled it for what it is:

"Essentially parliament is called to legalize a decision to rob depositor’s blind, against every written and unwritten law."

The revenue taxing schema was introduced by EU and IMF technocrats and bureaucrats and is similar in nature and consequences to that of the Townshend Acts in June of 1767.

Since 1764 and prior governments have continued their search for money from citizens and residents for the simple reason that governments Do Not have money of their own!

All their revenues come from your earnings, no matter where it is, through taxation, double taxation and now triple taxation of your earnings, profits, savings, pensions, investment income and even ones assets at death.    

These financial crises of the European Union along with current national and international banking and governmental financial mismanagement are the results of greed and unsustainable social programs conceived and conspired between banks, international financial institutions, regulators, political parties and governments combined. 

Our public apathy with the closed door decisions and behind the scenes politics between political parties coupled with a general lack of knowledge or indifference to the complex intertwined business practices between banks, financial institutions, and political parties and their appointed technocrats and career bureaucrats we as voters and taxpayers continue searching for answers in the wrong places and from the same incompetent and greed-driven sources.

Citizens, residents, tourists, small business owners and corporations from around the world are all depositors and should today realize and understand that there is now no protection for after-tax earnings anywhere in the world.

Including such places as Luxembourg, Panama, Anguilla, Gibraltar, Dominican, Nevis, the Bahamas, Seychelles, Switzerland, Cayman Islands, Puerto Rico, Singapore or Romania from new government tax levies on assets or cash deposited with banks or financial institutions in deposit boxes, savings or business accounts.  

Also, the public should come to the political reality and understanding of the events that lead up to and caused this worldwide financial mess and governmental bailout fiasco around the globe. 

One needs to look no farther than the mismanagement of governments, the printing of money based on air,  ( Federal Reserve Banks) the monetization of debt altogether and combined with the greed of financial institutions, governments and their approved regulatory practices for the likes of Interest rate swap  Securitization , Collateralized Debt Obligations , Credit Default Swaps  all coupled together with government social policies for affordable housing and mortgage programs subprime mortgages).

To date, not one career party politician, banker, politically appointed, technocrats or career bureaucrat has been charged for lack of due diligence, breach of trust, fraud and conspiracy to deregulate monetary financial safeguards for investors or the public in general?

Thanks to Lia Glykis for sending me a copy of the article herein attached bellow @ to this comment. It is another profoundly interesting and thought-provoking analysis and commentary on perhaps the beginning of the end of the euro and the eurozone.

Up Date!

Cyprus-Style “Bail-Ins” Proposed In The New 2013 Canadian Government Budget!

Yet the bailouts continue!


Sunday, March 17, 2013

A Tax of 10% to 13 % on Your Life Saving Investment Deposits Coming to Your Country.

Thanks to the decisions of non elected technocrats, bureaucrats, the IMF, World Bank whose funds and directors are for the most part all supported and financed from Canadian, American, European, African, Asian, South American, etc  taxpayer collected revenues by our governments as part and parcel of the new world order of sleazy politics.

Any Canadian or American not alarmed by this EU action in Cyprus is either brain dead or oblivious to the reality of the warning signs of government corruption, spending and borrowing related to this worldwide financial crisis in the form of continuing bailouts on the backs of citizens and not corporations, banks, union organizations and special interest groups.

Every individual and families hard-earned after-tax dollars are not that safe in our banking systems and could be taxed for a second time for bank and government bailouts around the globe with you having a vote or any honest political discussion on such tax cash grab.

Without any advanced public warning or political input from political party representative in Cyprus on Saturday March 16, 2013 somebody from the Cypriot government endorsed and agreed to conditions, demanded by non elected European Union technocrats and bureaucrats. 

Along with representatives from the IMF and the World Bank these publicly closed-door meetings stipulated a condition for a 13% to 9 % tax on all the lifelong after-tax savings accounts of residents and citizens of Cyprus as one of many hidden conditions demanded by the European Union and its international monetary fund supports for a $13 Billion dollar bailout fund.

A cash grab and stealing of citizens savings that have already been previously taxed through earnings or investment taxes etc. that can be compared to the 2001 Argentina governments freezing 100% of all a citizens’ and residents savings and bank accounts which they said was for two years but as of today ¾ of these funds have NOT been returned to individual depositors.

In 1979 however, it was the elected representatives from all political parties in the Ontario legislature in Canada who first introduced and passed an illegal government motion to freeze the bank accounts and assets of a resident of Ontario and Canadian citizen.

This act of criminality by the Ontario legislature was later found to be ultra vires (beyond their legal power) thanks to the tireless efforts of Eric R. Murray, Toronto’s best litigation lawyer in my opinion.

That attempt at freezing a citizen’s assets and bank accounts in Ontario Canada, in my opinion, goes to highlight the deceptive and thug like behavioural attitude and actions of all political party legislative members and their non elected technocrats and bureaucrats.

What Canadians and the rest of humanity is witnessing in Cyprus is the beginning of the greatest government robbery of citizens savings account in the history of humanity in the name of failed banks, corporations and governments.

I have stated for a while now that the European Union is not constituted on the basis of, for the people by the people, rather by political parties for their party controlled government propped up by their puppet representatives of the party, not the voters and operated, managed and controlled by non elected technocrats and bureaucrats around the globe.  

 When people’s honest hard-earned savings are stolen by governments in any name or cause our civil society dissolves with it. You cannot say that we were not warned! 

Each of us must decide whether our savings are any longer save in the hands of financial institutions that are protected by governments and their political parties.



Cyprus-Style “Bail-Ins” Proposed In The New 2013 Canadian Government Budget!

 “All People are created equal and equally imperfect and we still have unequal laws and taxes created by unjust people,” Peter CLARKE 2010

As Philip Jenkins once noted, one cannot say that we were not warned!


More news:
Cyprus legislators remain unconvinced.
"Essentially parliament is called to legalize a decision to rob depositors blind, against every written and unwritten law," said Yiannakis Omirou, speaker of parliament.

Up to Date

Monday, March 11, 2013

Lynching of Mayor Ford Politically Attempted by Sarah Thompson?

This endless stream for sensationalism by political activists and special interest group losers propped up and supported by the media and wannabe infamous seeking pro bono lawyer, all of whom desperately seek for the Mayor to be kicked out of office or resign, has now become continuing attempts for a political lynching of mayor Rob Ford, similar to that of Herman Cain.

Mayor Ford is not the harasser but the harassed.

These continue slanderous attacks are nothing more than political hit-jobs. The Mayor Ford economic train is on the right subway track as opposed to a new 1% sales tax increase proposed by Thompson and her corporate and union political backers. 

Such unverifiable slanderous personal allegations against Rob Ford the Mayor of Toronto have all been politically motivated to destroy him, his brother, the family business and indeed his entire family, in my humble opinion as a mere mortal.

Toronto’s left wing establishment was polarized against the Ford mayoralty campaign from its beginning.

Right after his election as Mayor in 2010 this group swung into action to replace this uppity white non establishment individual. The political left absolutely lost their minds after the election and immediately started spewing hatred toward this over weight white non establishment conservative.

With constant media blitzes through ongoing attempts at smearing the personal reputation and character of Rob Ford, his brother, the family business and the entire Ford family.

The media and Toronto Star in particular it seems would much rather report unsubstantiated and unverifiable allegations about Rob Ford because reporting about the real issue of Toronto left leaning councillors inability to curb spending and borrowing for unsustainable taxpayer funded social programs would not be in the best interest of the Mayors opponents on this council or future mayoral candidates.

Mayor Ford continues to be bullied and harassed and not the harasser or bully. The decision concerning his mayoralty administration shall be decided by the voters not the non-elected establishment, the courts or the media.