Tuesday, February 3, 2015

The Germans should reflect on their own history concerning Greeks odious debt.

As in the aftermath of World War II, the Allies, remembering the disastrous consequences of German reparations after the First World War, did not insist on their pound of flesh as Germany and the EU does now with Greece. 
The entire Nazi public debt, amounting to over 600 per cent of German GDP, was written off.
Further the German Federal Republic itself, after 1989, did not condemn former East Germany to austerity as a remedy for its fictitious communist economy. Instead, Chancellor Helmut Kohl allowed the eastern states to exchange their nearly worthless Ostmarks for Deutsch Marks at the inflated rate of 1 to 1, and then poured the equivalent of more than a trillion Euros into the reconstruction of the eastern economy.
Germany lived well beyond its means during the Nazi era, plundering the rest of Europe as well. If Germany had practised what they are now preaching for Greece, Germany today would be a much poorer country.
So now let’s couple Greek budget and tax reform with a large infusion of funds for economic modernization and public improvements in the spirit of the Marshall Plan and how it helped Germany after WW2?
Not with more funds but by writing down the Greeks EU debit by half so today and in the future Greeks young and old, instead of looking at 40 per cent unemployment, could gain productive jobs. 
And the entire Greek economy would gain a big macro-economic boost and a path to greater competitiveness within the EU. 
Similar to how Germany handled the East Germany unification bailouts and relief.
Most importantly, the EU would gain the moral authority to work with Greeks on politically awkward reforms. It’s one thing to grudgingly tolerate technocrats who are bleeding you dry in order to satisfy bankers—quite another to work with development specialists who come to Greece bearing gifts.
As has been said the EU and the ECB could call it the Merkel plan, so that Chancellor Angela Merkel might be remembered not as the jackbooted German who destroyed Greece but as the wise European leader who tempered austerity with sensible mercy.

The time is here for the IMF, World Bank and ECB to immediately recognize and understand that Greece, like other poor countries or developing ones, that have enormous unsustainable odious debts, has very little capacity to repay such a debt.

Further, it is morally and economically appropriate for Greek to refuse and question or recognize the legitimacy of this odious debt forced upon the Greek people and their economy.

Greece its government and citizens must not be held in this position of having to borrow more just to service debt, and no longer be asked to service such a debt when it has little to no trade surpluses.

The one way to keep Greece and the EU economically and financially together and for Greece to get out from under its debt is similar to that of how Germany got out of its debts after World War 2.

The current Greek repayable amount must be reduced by 50% and stretched out over 35 years. Also, such a new agreement must state that repayments on this reduced loan are due only when Greece has a trade surplus and that repayments be limited to 5% of export earnings.

This would give the E U countries, the Euro Zone central bank and all creditors a powerful incentive to import Greek goods and thus greatly assisting Greece's new reconstruction. 

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

The Greek Peoples Odious, Enormous and Unsustainable Debt.

The IMF, World Bank and ECB must immediately recognize and understand that Greece, like other poor countries or developing ones that have enormous unsustainable odious debts have very little capacity to repay such a debt.

Further it is morally and economically appropriate for Greece to refuse and question or recognize the legitimacy of this odious debt forced upon the Greek people and their economy.

Greece its government and citizens must not be held in this position of having to borrow more just to service debt. And no longer be asked to service such a debt when it has little to no trade surpluses on an annual basis.

The only way for Greece to get out from under its debt is similar to that of how Germany got out of its debts after World War 2

The current Greek repayable amount must be reduced by 50% and stretched out over 35 years. Also, such a new agreement must state that repayments on this reduced loan are due only when Greece has a trade surplus and that repayments be limited to 5% of export earnings.  

This would give the E U countries, the EU central bank and all creditors a powerful incentive to import Greek goods and thus greatly assisting Greece's new reconstruction. 


Monday, January 12, 2015

Radical Imams Preaching Extremism and Religious Hatred Do Not Represent Islam.

They are criminal jihadists misfits and thugs or self-professed radical extremist Imams and guilty of Islamic blasphemy equal to or greater than their followers of barbaric radical and criminal jihads.

Today around the globe, represents one of the major problems facing all civilized societies, democracies and religions throughout the universe.

They are just as radical and barbaric as their jihads criminal killers of men women and children. They are the ones who daily propagandize their own warped and criminal interpretation of Islam.

By preaching racial and religious hatred toward all civil societies and calling for or supporting the cowardly barbaric assignations, killings, terror, beheadings and suicide bombings in the name of Islam against men, women and children be they Muslim or non-Muslim.

Such extremist radical Imams ignore the basic penal laws of Islam and criminally misinterpret the writings of Islam. Islamic law and teachings forbid terrorism. Terrorism is above all murder. 

Murder is strictly forbidden in the Qur’an. Qur’an 6:151 says, “and do not kill a soul that God has made sacrosanct, save lawfully.” (i.e. murder is forbidden but the death penalty imposed by the state for a crime is permitted 5:53).

If the motive for terrorism is religious, it is impermissible under Islamic law. It is forbidden to attempt to impose Islam on other people. The Qur’an says, “There is no compulsion in religion. The right way has become distinct from error.”

In the Islamic law of war, not just any civil engineer (Imam) can declare or launch a war. It is the prerogative of the duly constituted leader of the Muslim community that engage in the war. Nowadays that would be the president or prime minister or the elected head of state, as advised by the mufti or national experts (judges) of law. Not an Imam.

A true Muslim believer and follower of Islam is moderate, not an extremist, truthful, not dishonest, humble, not arrogant, dignified and decent not graceless. Where are these Imams and Muslims today?   

The vast majority of the so-called moderate Muslims who daily attend mosque are closing their eyes and not dealing with these imams and the radicalization happening right in front of them daily. It is not enough that these so-called moderate Muslims express regret while complaining about racial profiling by law enforcement.

Who is monitoring these radical Imams in North America, Europe, and the Middle East or throughout the world? Not Muslim communities or a majority of any of the so-called moderate Muslims often mentioned by the press.

Why it is that law enforcement is barred from investigating in mosques to prevent this radicalization by extremist Imams before it goes too far?