Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Violence the Current USA Reality

Crime issues in the USA and Canada primarily stem from the disregard for authority and law and order by various groups, irrespective of race or ethnicity. This disrespect manifests through criminal activities involving illegal weapons, drugs, and gang affiliations.


Across North America, citizens are growing weary of lenient justice systems, with judges and politicians often neglecting the severity of gang-related crimes. Despite escalating violence in both urban and suburban areas, there's a concerning lack of acknowledgment from those in power.


It's evident that simply throwing money at the issue won't resolve it. What's needed is a shift towards stringent prosecution for all crimes, rather than the current cycle of arrest and release, especially concerning juvenile offenders and illegal migrants who drop out of school and remain reliant on welfare.


There's an urgent call for elected officials who grasp the gravity of the gang and drug problems, particularly within certain communities. These issues often stem from societal disillusionment, a lack of education, and a refusal to accept authority.


Law-abiding citizens are seeking leaders who uphold the law without hesitation, unlike the current trend of pandering to special interest groups and political ideologies. It's time to hold politicians, judges, and law enforcement accountable for their inaction and prioritize the safety and well-being of communities.


We must reject the influence of unelected bureaucrats and technocrats who shape policies without direct accountability to the electorate. Their decisions often prioritize fringe interests over the rights and safety of ordinary citizens.


Furthermore, the focus on animal rights and international standards often overshadows the urgent need to protect human life and uphold the rights of law-abiding individuals. 

Without consistent enforcement of laws, our society cannot claim to be, equal, equitable, just or civil.





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