Saturday, September 21, 2024

Donald Trump Over Kamala Harris


A Record-Based Analysis

As the 2024 election approaches, the choice between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris presents voters with two distinct paths for America's future. Based on their past records, this article compares their leadership styles, policies, and the core ideologies they represent. By looking at their track records and diving into the philosophy behind today’s progressive politics, we explore why Donald Trump stands as the better choice.

1. Economic Growth: Trump’s Success vs. Harris’s Struggles

Trump’s Economic Legacy: Under Trump’s presidency, the U.S. economy witnessed unprecedented growth. Unemployment hit record lows across all demographic groups, with tax cuts and deregulation fueling job creation and corporate investment. His America First policy prioritized manufacturing and domestic industry, leading to a resurgence in the American workforce.

Harris’s Record in California: In contrast, Kamala Harris, as a key figure in California politics, contributed to policies that saw businesses and residents fleeing the state. High taxes, aggressive regulation, and an increasing cost of living have taken a toll on the state's economy. Homelessness has reached crisis levels, and businesses have relocated to more business-friendly states.

Conclusion: While Trump’s economic policies focused on job creation, deregulation, and personal prosperity, Harris’s policies have contributed to economic stagnation in California. For voters prioritizing economic growth, Trump’s track record stands strong.

2. Foreign Policy: Trump’s Bold Diplomacy vs. Harris’s Inexperience

Trump’s Foreign Achievements: During his time in office, Trump brokered the historic Abraham Accords, reshaped NATO burden-sharing, and renegotiated unfair trade deals. His administration prioritized American interests and confronted global adversaries such as China and Iran. Trump’s "peace through strength" philosophy redefined America’s global role.

Harris’s Limited Experience: Harris, on the other hand, has shown a lack of foreign policy experience, with limited achievements to point to during her vice presidency. Her handling of the border crisis raised questions about her capability to manage complex international issues. Without a proven track record in foreign affairs, Harris has yet to demonstrate the bold leadership required to protect American interests abroad.

Conclusion: For voters seeking a president with proven international achievements and a willingness to defend American interests, Trump’s record on foreign policy makes him the stronger candidate.

3. Law and Order: Trump’s Commitment vs. Harris’s Contradictory Record

Trump’s Stance on Law and Order: Trump campaigned on and delivered strong support for law enforcement, working to reduce violent crime while also pushing for criminal justice reform with the First Step Act. His commitment to protecting American communities and fostering public safety resonates with those who prioritize stability.

Harris’s Record on Crime: Harris’s tenure as California’s Attorney General and her stance on criminal justice have been marked by contradictions. While advocating for progressive policies, such as decriminalization and cashless bail, she has also been criticized for her past prosecutorial decisions, which disproportionately affected minorities. Crime has surged in many cities with progressive law enforcement policies, raising concerns about their effectiveness.

Conclusion: Trump’s clear and consistent stance on public safety contrasts with Harris’s often contradictory record on crime and punishment. Voters who value law and order are more likely to find Trump’s approach reassuring.

Defining Progressivism in Politics Today

The political landscape has shifted dramatically, and understanding modern progressive ideology is key to assessing both candidates. Let's examine two perspectives on progressivism.

Progressivism Defined by Peter Clarke:

According to Peter Clarke, progressivism represents an anti-individualistic, pro-collectivist movement. Progressives rely heavily on society and government to solve personal problems, rather than fostering individual self-confidence and responsibility. They reject competition because of an underlying fear of failure and loss, often seeing themselves as inherently disadvantaged or inferior.

Clarke views progressivism as more of a psychological tendency than a cohesive movement. Progressives, driven by feelings of inferiority and over-socialization, are drawn to causes such as feminism, climate activism, animal rights, and collectivism. Many progressives project their own lack of confidence onto the groups they support, believing them to be weak or oppressed. This psychology explains why progressives tend to oppose Western civilization, rationality, and success, favouring policies and ideologies that downplay merit and achievement.

Progressivism in Politics Today (Ava’s Perspective):

In the current political landscape, progressivism often advocates for government-driven solutions to social and economic problems. Progressives focus on equality, social justice, and environmental sustainability, supporting policies such as universal healthcare, expanded welfare programs, and environmental regulations. However, this collectivist approach can sometimes stifle individual freedom and innovation, as it prioritizes group needs over individual autonomy.

Modern progressive movements are highly critical of traditional Western values, such as capitalism, competition, and personal responsibility. Their rejection of reason, science, and objective truth stems from a desire to dismantle systems that classify certain individuals as more successful or capable than others. Many progressive activists are motivated by hostility toward what they perceive as dominant, oppressive systems, which explains their focus on “politically correct” terminology, social justice causes, and a broad rejection of Western culture.

4. Individualism vs. Collectivism: Trump vs. Harris

Trump’s Emphasis on Individualism: Donald Trump consistently promotes the idea that personal responsibility and individual effort should determine success. His policies have focused on limiting government interference and empowering individuals to achieve their potential in a free-market economy. Trump’s commitment to individualism aligns with the American values of self-reliance, competition, and innovation.

Harris’s Progressive Collectivism: Harris’s approach, reflective of modern progressivism, leans heavily on government intervention. From universal healthcare to expansive welfare programs, her policies suggest a belief that the state, rather than the individual, should solve social problems. This collectivist mindset prioritizes equal outcomes over individual merit and responsibility.

Conclusion: For voters who believe in the power of individualism and personal freedom, Trump’s philosophy of self-reliance and free enterprise stands in stark contrast to Harris’s collectivist policies.

Conclusion: Why Voters Should Choose Trump

The decision between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris is ultimately a choice between two fundamentally different visions for America. Trump’s proven track record on economic growth, foreign policy, law and order, and his unwavering belief in individualism make him a compelling choice for voters who value freedom, self-reliance, and American strength.

Voters should consider Donald Trump’s proven track record on economic growth, foreign policy achievements, commitment to law and order, and belief in individualism when comparing him to Kamala Harris’s progressive, collectivist policies and lacklustre record. For those who value freedom, self-reliance, and a strong America, Trump remains the clear choice.

In contrast, Kamala Harris’s progressive policies, rooted in collectivism, have shown their limitations, particularly in California’s economic struggles and the rise in crime. Her inexperience in foreign policy further underscores the risks of electing a candidate with an unproven track record.

When viewed through the lens of modern progressivism, which often opposes Western success, competition, and rationality, it becomes clear that Trump’s commitment to individualism offers a brighter, more prosperous future for America and its citizens.

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